Freiwald Tsao FaceViews AM

The Freiwald Tsao Face Views AM dataset was collected by Winrich Freiwald (Rockefeller University) and Doris Tsao (UC Berkeley), and was originally published in Freiwald and Taso (2010) . The data consists of single unit recordings from anterior medial face patch (AM) while monkeys passively viewed images of 25 individuals from 8 different head orientations. A decoding analysis of this data was published in Meyers et al (2015).

If you plan to use this data you must cite the publications below. More information about the experiments and data analyses can be found in these papers as well.

Freiwald, W. A., & Tsao, D. Y. (2010). Functional compartmentalization and viewpoint generalization within the macaque face-processing system. Science, 330(6005), 845-851.

Meyers, E. M., Borzello, M., Freiwald, W. A., & Tsao, D. (2015). Intelligent information loss: The coding of facial identity, head pose, and non-face information in the macaque face patch system. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(18).

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