
If you use the Neural Decoding Toolbox in a publication, please cite the paper below which describes the design of the toolbox and how to use it:

Meyers, E. (2013) The Neural Decoding Toolbox. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 7:8.

For a list of publications that have used the Neural Decoding Toolbox, please see this Google Scholar page

The following are some early publications used Neural Decoding Toolbox (or beta versions of it)

Rikhye R, Gilra A, Halassa M (2018). Thalamic regulation of switching between cortical representations enables cognitive flexibility. Nature Neuroscience 21:1753-1763.

Alizadeh AM, Van Dromme I, Janssen P (2018). Single-cell responses to three-dimensional structure in a functionally defined patch in macaque area TEO. Journal of Neurophysiology 120:2906-2818.

Fornaciai M, Park J (2018). Attractive Serial Dependence in the Absence of an Explicit Task. Psychol Sci 29(3):437–446.

Fornaciai M, Park J (2018). Early Numerosity Encoding in Visual Cortex Is Not Sufficient for the Representation of Numerical Magnitude. J Cogn Neurosci 30(12):1788–1802.

Tingley D, Buzsáki G (2018). Transformation of a Spatial Map across the Hippocampal-Lateral Septal Circuit. Neuron.

Boutona S, Chambona V, Tyranda R, Guggisberge S, Seecke M, Karkarf S, van de Villeg D, Girauda A (2018). Focal versus distributed temporal cortex activity for speech sound category assignment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Kumar S., Popivanov ID, and Vogel R (2017). Transformation of Visual Representations Across Ventral Stream Body-selective Patches. Cerebral Cortex.

Meyers E, Liang A, Katsuki F, and Constantinidis C (2017). Differential Processing of Isolated Object and Multi-item Pop-Out Displays in LIP and PFC. Cerebral Cortex.

Alizadeh AM, Van Dromme I, Verhoef BE, and Janssen P(2017). Caudal Intraparietal Sulcus and three-dimensional vision: A combined functional magnetic resonance imaging and single-cell study.NeuroImage.

Schmitt LI, Wimmer R, Nakajima M, Happ M, Mofakham S and Halassa M (2017). Thalamic amplification of cortical connectivity sustains attentional control. Nature.

Kumar S, Kaposvari P, and Vogels R (2017). Encoding of Predictable and Unpredictable Stimuli by Inferior Temporal Cortical Neurons Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

Kamiński J, Sullivan S, Chung J, Ross I, Mamelak A and Rutishauser U (2017). Persistently active neurons in human medial frontal and medial temporal lobe support working memory Nature Neuroscience.

Stalnaker T, Berg B, Aujla N, Schoenbaum G (2016). Cholinergic Interneurons Use Orbitofrontal Input to Track Beliefs about Current State. Journal of Neuroscience.

Rutishauser U, Ye S, Koroma M, Tudusciuc O, Ross I, Chung J, Mamelak A (2015). Representation of retrieval confidence by single neurons in the human medial temporal lobe. Nature Neuroscience.

Meyers E, Borzello M, Freiwald W, Tsao D (2015). Intelligent Information Loss: The Coding of Facial Identity, Head Pose, and Non-Face Information in the Macaque Face Patch System. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(18):7069-81.

Isik, L., Meyers, E., Leibo, J., Poggio, T. (2014). The dynamics of invariant object recognition in the human visual system Journal of Neurophysiology, 111:91–102.

Meyers, E., Qi, X.L., Constantinidis C. (2012). Incorporation of new information into prefrontal cortical activity after learning working memory tasks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109:4651-4656.

Zhang Y.,, Meyers, E., Bichot, N., Serre, T., Poggio, T., and Desimone, R. (2011). Object decoding with attention in inferior temporal cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108:8850-8855. * These authors contributed equally.

Meyers, E., Freedman, D., Kreiman, G., Miller, E., Poggio T. (2008). Dynamic Population Coding of Category Information in Inferior Temporal and Prefrontal Cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 100:1407-1419.